Barzakh at Asian Academy Awards 2024 is now making headlines after securing a prestigious nomination for the Best Drama Series category. According to a report, Barzakh will be competing against entries from 13 other countries at the event, which will be held in Singapore this December. The nomination of Barzakh at Asian Academy Awards 2024 marks a significant achievement for Pakistani content on a global stage.
Directed by the talented Asim Abbasi, Barzakh stirred conversations from the very beginning. Asim Abbasi himself acknowledged the nomination with heartfelt gratitude, stating, Writing and directing Barzakh was one of the most surreal experiences of my life.
I am deeply thankful to the phenomenal cast and crew, whose tireless efforts and creativity made this series possible. This nomination not only highlights their extraordinary performances but also showcases the incredible collaboration that brought Barzakh to life. I am truly grateful to everyone who believed in the vision of Barzakh and supported us in this journey.
Barzakh, a Pakistani-Indian co-production, premiered globally on Zee Zindagi’s YouTube channel and ZEE5 on July 19, 2024. Despite its worldwide success, the show faced a major backlash from local viewers in Pakistan, which led to its removal from the country’s streaming platforms on August 9, just days after the finale aired on August 6, 2024.
Prior to the removal, Zee Zindagi shared an official statement on social media, while Asim Abbasi posted a personal message on X, saying, “No story of mine is worth more than the safety of all the beautiful, talented artists who came together to craft it. This decision is for the best. For those who have showered us with love, I hope you enjoy the finale. And remember, stories never die.”
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This nomination of Barzakh at Asian Academy Awards 2024 not only validates the immense hard work that went into creating the show but also shines a spotlight on the growing impact of Pakistani dramas on the global stage. Despite its challenges, Barzakh has proven that compelling stories, backed by talent and dedication, can break boundaries and resonate with international audiences.