Monday, March 10, 2025

Islamabad Police Restricts Employee Social Media Activities

The Islamabad police department has introduced stringent rules to regulate employee social media activities, barring officers from expressing opinions or sharing content on social media without prior approval. This comprehensive directive covers various aspects of social media conduct for law enforcement personnel, ensuring a controlled and disciplined presence online.

According to the office memorandum issued by Inspector General of Police (IG) Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi, officers are not only restricted from speaking at public forums or publishing in print media without permission, but they are also prohibited from making any official statements or expressing views on social media platforms without approval. These measures have been put in place to tightly control employee social media activities and prevent the unauthorized sharing of information that could harm the department’s reputation.

Additionally, the policy bans officers from taking videos or pictures in their police uniforms within government or private premises for personal publicity. It strictly forbids uploading secret or official documents, pictures, or content related to such documents on any social media platform. This directive underscores the critical need to safeguard classified information and limit its exposure through employee social media activities.

The memorandum further bans officers from sharing personal, political, or religious opinions on any media outlet, reinforcing the importance of maintaining neutrality in the public sphere. Official social media channels for police activities will solely be operated by the Public Relations Branch of the Central Police Office (CPO).

If any officer wishes to highlight positive departmental activities, they must first obtain permission from the Deputy Inspector General (DIG) headquarters, ensuring a unified communication strategy.

Also Read: Federal  Govt Strict Ban on Employee Social Media Use

Unit heads are tasked with the responsibility of supervising and monitoring the social media activities of their officers and staff, ensuring compliance across divisions, zones, and units. Violations of this policy will result in strict departmental action according to established rules.

Also Read: Punjab Bans Police Social Media Use in Duty Hours

This policy remains in effect until further notice, and officers of all ranks are required to ensure its full and strict implementation to maintain professional integrity.

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